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  1. ::Medical Set (Global Abbreviations Sample)
  2. ::C:\GLOBLABB\GAB00003.GAB
  3. abdu abduce
  4. abst abstinence
  5. acro acromegaly
  6. aden adenopathy
  7. adre adrenal
  8. afeb afebrile
  9. ambi ambidextrous
  10. anae anaerobe
  11. anal analgesia
  12. anes anesthesia
  13. angi angioma
  14. anor anorexia
  15. anos anoscope
  16. ante antenatal
  17. anti antiseptic
  18. appe appendicitis
  19. arte arteriosclerosis
  20. arth arthroplasty
  21. auto autonomic
  22. bact bacteriology
  23. biwe biweekly
  24. brad bradycardia
  25. bron bronchitis
  26. carc carcinoma
  27. chol cholecystectomy
  28. chol choledochostomy
  29. chol cholelithiasis
  30. chon chondroma
  31. circ circumcision
  32. coli colitis
  33. colo colostomy
  34. colp colporrhaphy
  35. cont contraception
  36. cran craniotomy
  37. cyan cyanotic
  38. cyst cystogram
  39. decu decubitus
  40. dent dentistry
  41. derm dermatology
  42. diar diarrhea
  43. diat diataxia
  44. diat diathermy
  45. dipl diplopia
  46. diss dissect
  47. dysm dysmenorrhea
  48. ecto ectoparasite
  49. elec electroencephalograph
  50. empy empyema
  51. enca encapsulated
  52. ence encephalitis
  53. endo endometrium
  54. ente enteritis
  55. ente enterocele
  56. epig epigastric
  57. eryt erythroblast
  58. esop esophagoscopy
  59. exci excise
  60. excr excretion
  61. fibr fibroid
  62. gast gastrointestinal
  63. gast gastrotomy
  64. germ germicide
  65. global Global Abbreviations (tm)
  66. glos glossalgia
  67. glyc glycogen
  68. glyc glycosuria
  69. gyne gynecology
  70. hema hematemesis
  71. hema hematology
  72. hemi hemiplegia
  73. hemo hemolysis
  74. hemo hemorrhage
  75. hepa hepatitis
  76. hern herniation
  77. hern herniorrhaphy
  78. hist histology
  79. hydr hydrocephaly
  80. hydr hydronephrosis
  81. hydr hydrotherapy
  82. hype hypertension
  83. hypo hypotension
  84. hyst hysterectomy
  85. icte icterus
  86. ilei ileitis
  87. inte intercellular
  88. inte intercostal
  89. intr intramuscular
  90. klep kleptomania
  91. lapa laparotomy
  92. leuk leukemia
  93. leuk leukopenia
  94. leuk leukorrhea
  95. lipo lipoma
  96. lith lithotomy
  97. macr macrocyte
  98. mala maladjusted
  99. mast mastectomy
  100. mens menstruation
  101. meso mesobronchitis
  102. metr metrorrhagia
  103. micr microscope
  104. mono mononeural
  105. muco mucocutaneous
  106. myas myasthenia
  107. myel myelogram
  108. myel myelomeningocele
  109. myoc myocardium
  110. myop myopathy
  111. narc narcolepsy
  112. narc narcotic
  113. naso nasopharynx
  114. necr necropsy
  115. neop neoplasm
  116. neph nephritis
  117. neph nephropexy
  118. neph nephroptosis
  119. neur neuralgia
  120. neur neurogenic
  121. neur neurosis
  122. nont nontoxic
  123. ocul oculist
  124. ooph oophorectomy
  125. opht ophthalmoscope
  126. orch orchipexy
  127. orth orthopedics
  128. orth orthopnea
  129. oste osteoporosis
  130. otoc otocleisis
  131. para paraplegia
  132. path pathology
  133. pedi pediatrics
  134. peri pericarditis
  135. phar pharyngoplasty
  136. phle phlebitis
  137. phot photophobia
  138. pneu pneumonia
  139. poly polyuria
  140. post postpartum
  141. preo preoperative
  142. proc proctoscopy
  143. pros prostatectomy
  144. psor psoriasis
  145. pyel pyelonephritis
  146. pyre pyrexia
  147. quad quadriceps
  148. quad quadriplegia
  149. quin quintuplet
  150. rach rachialgia
  151. radi radioactive
  152. retr retrovesical
  153. rhin rhinopathy
  154. rhin rhinoplasty
  155. salp salpingectomy
  156. sapr saprozoic
  157. sarc sarcoid
  158. semi semicircular
  159. sept septicemia
  160. stom stomatitis
  161. suba subacute
  162. supr suprapubic
  163. supr suprarenal
  164. ther thermometer
  165. thor thoracentesis
  166. thor thoracotomy
  167. thro thrombosis
  168. thyr thyroxin
  169. tran transfusion
  170. ultr ultrasonic
  171. unic unicellular
  172. uret urethralgia
  173. urin urinary
  174. uroc urocele
  175. uter uteralgia
  176. uvei uveitis
  177. vaso vasoconstriction
  178. veni venipuncture
  179. vent ventriculography
  180. vent ventriculus
  181. vesi vesicant
  182. xero xerostomia
  183. xiph xiphoiditis
  184. zimi zimic
  185. zood zoodermic
  186. zygo zygodactyly